Non-Standard Construction
Non-standard buildings are those that deviate from standard buildings and are made from materials that don’t conform to the standard.
Non-standard buildings often use outdated and old-fashioned construction methods and materials. During the 1950s and 1960s, a number of different types of local non-standard properties were used, predominantly by the local authorities. These include properties made from materials such as concrete frames, steel frames and concrete panels.
There are some designs of non-standard properties that fall into the category ‘designated defective’ under the housing defects legislation.
You will need to know whether your property is a non-standard building as non-standard properties can cause implications with mortgages, maintenance, insurance and selling.
Allcott Associates undertake an assessment of the structure to identify the type of construction and advise upon the present structural integrity of the load bearing elements and what the likely lifespan of the property is.
Depending on the type of construction the investigation can involve exposure of the load bearing elements.
It is crucial to consult a chartered surveyor to assess whether your building is non-standard, so if you are unsure as to whether your home is non-standard, contact Allcott Associates today.
Or contact us for more information: | 0333 200 7198