Lenders Should Inform Borrowers that a Valuation is Not a Survey
The Council of the Residential Property Surveyors Association (RSPA) has written to Hector Sants, chief executive of the Financial Services Authority, calling for an investigation into the advice mortgage lenders give their borrowers regarding valuations and surveys. In the letter the RSPA asks that the FSA takes urgent action to
Why Choose an Independent Surveyor?
The valuation report obtained by the mortgage lender will often be from an in-house staff valuer, an associated firm of valuers, or a corporate organisation with whom they have reciprocal arrangements. These organisations may offer additional Home Buyer Survey Reports or, occasionally, Building Surveys. Are they, however, truly unbiased? It
Health & Safety
As Construction Professionals it is our moral and professional duty to address the issue of Health and Safety with a view to significantly reducing the number of fatalities, serious injuries and other related illnesses and diseases occurring within our industry. Each year the construction industry is responsible for a significant
Why Choose a Chartered Building Surveyor?
The title “Chartered Building Surveyor” is protected by law and only those who are competent and have earned membership into the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors have the right to use it. A Chartered Building Surveyor must have either a qualifying Degree or Post Graduate Diploma from an RICS approved